There has been a battle brewing at the Nelson house for quite some time now. Mommy has to admit that she has grown quite weary of this battle. Mommy was never designed to be a soldier. She's a lover, not a fighter.
You may be asking whom we are battling? Her name is Susan. And she is lazy.
Here is a picture of Susan in all her laziness...
Now you are probably scratching your head wondering why the heck are we battling a lazy susan? The reason we are battling a lazy susan involves a very, very active and curious nearly 20-month old little boy. Said little boy has been locked out of every other cupboard and drawer in our entire kitchen but we can't manage a solution to keep him out of the lazy susan. All day long he runs into the kitchen, turns the lazy susan and quickly grabs whatever he can manage before turning and running the other way. At first it was cute. Then it wasn't cute anymore.
All day long we take items belonging in the lazy susan from Parker, listening to him scream his dissatisfaction, replacing items to their proper place and closing the lazy susan. This cycle is on repeat at our house. Can't somebody turn it on shuffle? Please?
Did I mention the lazy susan holds a lot of items?
A lot of items Parker REALLY, REALLY LOVES...
Now Mommy's tired. And it's her turn to be lazy.
She just wants to sit on the couch, watch TV and be lazy.
But she can't!
Then today Mommy had an epiphany...
She heard the choir singing in her head...
She remembered some magnetic cabinet locks that her cousin Jeff has at their house. We could get those and place on each end of the lazy susan. We can magnetically unlock the cabinet when we need something, then lock it back up when we were done. It was a brilliant plan!
So Mommy called Along Comes A Baby to see if they stocked the item. Much to her joy they did. We piled the family in the pick-up and headed down to buy said item as quickly as possible...
As soon as we got home Daddy set to work figuring out the best way to install these things. Mommy looked over his shoulder and gave her 'two cents' as to the ACTUAL best way to install these things. Daddy kept saying I don't think they'll work. Mommy kept saying they will work...
...but they didn't work...
Now Mommy is sad. And still tired...
The battle continues...