Thursday, July 30, 2009

Visit to Centralia

In May we went to Centralia because Uncle Tiny and Austin were up from California and they were throwing a birthday party for Austin.  We traveled down there Friday night and met Jeff, Gina, Alexis and Andrew.  We all stayed at the same hotel and had fun spending time together.  On Saturday we all went to Fort Borst Park in Centralia for a picnic and the birthday party.  This was the first time that all the family had been together in a long time.  It was great being able to see each other and eat some good food.  I had great intentions of taking a lot of photos but then I totally forgot.  Oh well, here are the few I took…


2009-06-09 001 2009-05-09 004

Of course the exersaucer went with us!

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-09 009 Such a happy boy!

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-09 012 OOH! A camera!

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-09 014

Alexis insisted we go swimming so I stopped and bought a bathing suit (because of course I didn’t pack one), then we discover the heated pool isn’t heated at all and the hot tub was way too hot.  We tried but Parker’s teeth instantly started chattering and he was to have none of the pool!

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-09 018 So instead of swimming in the bitterly cold pool we sat in a chair, Mommy drank a glass of wine and we commemorated the moment with a picture.

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-10 001

Didn’t want to let him crawl all over the hotel floor so he had play time on the bed.

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-10 002 Too stinkin’ cute!

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-10 008 Cousin Jeff with Andrew and Parker

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-10 010 On the way home we stopped at The Cheesecake Factory because it was Mother’s day and Mommy wanted some cheesecake.  To keep Parker entertained we let him play with a spoon.

2009-06-09 001 2009-05-10 011 We thought we too the spoon back from him only to find it in his car seat when we got home!

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