Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Parker's First Real Bath

Well, here's Parker's first real bath. He wasn't quite sure what to think about it, come to think of it, I don't think he really enjoyed it at all. His crying concerned Maya (the dog), so she whined the whole time. We pretty much had a kitchen full of whiners & criers. Oh the memories!

Kelsey brought Hailey and Audrey for a visit

Parker sleeping

Aunt Kelsey holding Parker

Justin teaching Audrey to play air hockey

Audrey, Hailey and little man (AKA Parker)

Audrey, Hailey and Parker

Video of Justin showing Audrey how to play air hockey. Hailey just wants to play and doesn't want to wait for Audrey!

Aunt Kelsey brought Audrey and Hailey for a visit on Monday. Hailey loves to see her cousin Parker and she loves to hold him and take care of him. This time she had to share because little Audrey was fascinated with the baby and wanted to hold him too! Justin is also discovering that his basement has gone from the "man cave" to the children's play area. It is a good place for the little kids to run around and play games as well as watch movies. Poor Justin...say good bye to the man cave forever! (but he really enjoys the kids playing in the basement!)

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Craig Family Visit

Aunt Jonnette and Parker

Cousin Jacob

Uncle Ben, Jacob, Aunt Jonnette and Parker

Jacob is checking out his cousin.

Awww...Jacob is giving his baby cousin a hug!

Jacob wasn't too sure about his Mommy holding a baby.

What is Jacob doing?

On Sunday Uncle Ben, Aunt Jonnette and Jacob came to visit and meet Parker. We had a good time together. Jacob wasn't too sure about his Mommy holding a baby and he wanted in her lap! Little does he know he'll soon have a little baby brother or sister and he'll have to share Mommy's lap!

Jacob provided some assistance to Uncle Justin and Aunt Lisa by showing how many things need to be child-proofed in the house! Thank you Jacob!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What is Parker looking at?

Here is a video of Parker looking at the pictures on the wall. Near the end you can hear him making noises!

Parker and Auntie Della!

Last weekend Della came to meet Parker and spend the weekend with us. It was really nice to get to see her and spend time together!

Parker and Papa Steve!

Here are Parker and Papa Steve in their very first picture together!

Parker and Mommy on Halloween!

Parker and Mommy were very tired on Halloween! They went to sleep before the trick-or-treaters started arriving, leaving Daddy and Maya to pass out candy on their own!

Happy Halloween!

Parker and Daddy on Halloween. Thanks Meagan for the Halloween shirt!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Parker and Hailey

Here is Parker with his big cousin Hailey when they finally got to meet!